
Altus 5.5.2 Video chat platform for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Altus Abstract:

Altus is a free and open source WhatsApp client application that's user friendly, modern and customizable.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

A lot more customizable than one might think - Screenshot of Altus
A lot more customizable than one might think.
Screenshot of Altus - 1974px · 1487px
Desktop client for WhatsApp Web supporting multiple accounts - Screenshot of Altus
Desktop client for WhatsApp Web supporting multiple accounts.
Screenshot of Altus - 1974px · 1487px
Altus: User interface - Screenshot of Altus
Altus: User interface.
Screenshot of Altus - 1974px · 1487px
Altus screenshot
Screenshot of Altus -
Size: 1974px · 1487px
Altus screenshot
Screenshot of Altus -
Size: 1974px · 1487px